11) Poplar Island ship building - New Westminster - 1918

The bridge helped me locate the drones position, however, I may have been a little too close to the end of the island. I assume the wooden pillars in the water are a part of the old ship building dock, correct me if I’m wrong.

12) Coastal Lumber & Fuel Co. - 1915

This is now a part of Queen Elizabeth Park. Check out this panorama, taken from the opposite side from this shot, at the corner of Ontario St & 33rd Ave.

13) Park at Slocan Street & East 29th Avenue

The house on the far right with the stair railings is visible in both photos, and that’s about it, everything else has changed.

14) Arbutus Street & 16th Avenue - 1925

This corner is changing again very soon with the construction of a new project called Arbutus Terrace, where the gas station is in the 2020 panorama.

The signs in the 1925 panorama look like they’ve taken a beating, I’d imagine kids waiting for the tram chucked rocks at them to pass the time.

15) Brick plant in Clayburn - 1917

Where the brick plant was is now a forest so I had to come closer to the road to get this one, the small bungalow with the two windows on either side of the door was my reference point.

16) Granville Street & Pacific Avenue - 1918

The “now” panorama is already quite old, the amount of change in this neighbourhood has been astounding since 2008, I think I need to reshoot this one.

You can see I was positioned a little closer to the Whale/4X Bread building which is now gone. In 1958 the Granville bridge separated Granville and Pacific. “The times they are a changin.”

17) Georgia Street & Burrard Street - 1935

There’s an event happening? I had to come a little closer to Georgia there was a building in the way.

18) Western Canada shipyards - False Creek - 1917

The tallest building in Vancovuer in 1917 was the World Tower named after the newspaper The Vancouver World, now called The Sun Tower after the newspaper that’s read today. Luckily it is just visible today so I could fix the location of the drone, give or take a few feet.

19) Ioco Townsite from roof of General Store - 1923

Ioco is short for Imperial Oil Corporation, the town where the employees of the refinery lived, which opened in 1915. The town is located in Port Moody on the north shore of the Burrard Inlet. I shot two other panoramas one up the hill behind the building on the left Ioco 2. And another taken from the top of the school which can be seen in the middle/right distance Ioco 3.

20) Vancouver General Hospital - 1920